Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Why Women Wash Dishes?

 A story was about a married couple that usually argued on who will wash there dishes. There was one time the two decided a wager to settle their quarrel once and for all. The wager concluded that whoever the first one to talk will always washes the plates, and bowls, and pots, and pans, always. They began to act like a statue. Until a moment, a neighbor discovered a horrible incident. The neighbors called the herb-man; yet, the couple talked and does nothing. They remained dumb despite of the entire spell given by the herb-man. As a result, the herb-man ordered the men to make two coffins for the couple namely Ka Maldang and Ka Ugong. Afterwards, the men lifted first Ka Ugong to his coffin. In Ka Maldang's part she could not dare to be put inside the coffin, so she hurriedly opened her eyes and quickly pushed the men saying that don't touch her even her husband. As a response, Ka Ugong leaped and shouted towards Ka Maldang that she talked first. As the wager stated, they have followed that and Ka Ugong shouting happily wherein he won the game. And he knew that from that moment he will never wash dishes.

          Reading a story like this made me remember another story of long ago about a young man who was very poor but was able to win a princess because he was able to make her laugh.

          The value of sense of humor is really a treasure. As a matter of fact, a person who can make others laugh is as rich as Manny Pacquiao or Bill Gates and others. He who can make laugh others as well as himself will receive a happy living. You can gather friends for they have attracted to a cheerful fellow. Laughter is the best medicine as they say. Of course, true enough, laughter absolutely drives away worries and makes one lighthearted. You will never feel alone as long as you know how to laugh as well as how to share your laugh.

          In the story “Why Women Wash Dishes?" Obviously, it emphasizes sense of humor. It has a happy ending. Another, the characters were funny. But if we read the story deeply without just looking to the ridiculous side. There was a trouble because of the reason that why they should argue to themselves in terms of the dishes. In reality, washing dishes was just a minor problem of a husband and wife. Fault-findings and counting each contributions. Complaints actually was one of the factor where in marriage results into separation, if not properly settled. Say for instance, "And what do you do?" asked Ka Maldang. “You tie the carabao the reeds in the field and then you lie down on the grass to watch it graze. You call that hard work? I cook, clean the house, wash your clothes, I scrub the floor; I do all the work that only slaves should do. And yet, you even refuse to help me wash the plate from which you have eaten?" Ka Maldang complained. From the statement of Ka Maldang that was really offensive on the part of Ka Ugong. She kept on counting and nagging the things she does and compared those on the work of Ka Ugong all day. Due to her anger, she picked the broom and kept striking Ka Ugong wherein she tends to hurt her husband not just emotionally but physically. As Ka maldang striked her husband, Ka Ugong ducked under the table. He cried "Don't". "Don't strike me?” “Come out under the table, you coward," ordered Ka Maldang. As to the couples conversation, there represented Ka Ugong as a henpecked man.       

        "You are the woman". "You should do all the housework". Ka Ugong said. Regarding to this statement of Ka Ugong, for me it is really obsolete now a day. As a matter of fact, yes, almost long time ago a female must do all the household chores while the gentlemen work to sustain the needs of the family. Before the power to lead was on the part of the male, in contrary, the female gained less opportunity and less privileges. But, as to present situation the female and the male is equal in all aspects of freedom. Although, there is something that only boys can do same as a female has only element that boys cannot do.


Sunday, February 12, 2012


               In Philippines, Filipino people are really fond of invoking the supernatural to interpret natural events without any relationship in science or empirical reasoning. Philippines have a wide range of stories and folk beliefs. Such superstitious beliefs is commonly mythical creatures and magical entities. Some of this creatures is use by the eldest in order to fear children and to explain diseases.

 Below are the list of some Philippine mythical creatures collected:   
    • Aswang ( Vampire)
    • Kapre ( A tree-residing giant)
    • Manananggal (Self-segmenter)
    • Tikbalang (Demon-horses)
    • Sigbin (Shadow sucker)
    • Tiyanak (Demon child) 
                As to this, there is a lot of mythological creatures in the Philippines but the list above was the commonly known by the people. Different places has it's different terms. But if they will going to define the characteristics  of those mythical creatures, just like the others they were just the same. Among those creatures "Aswang" is the popular one.
    • We believe that the antidotes for Aswang was that we have to peppered ashes on the inlets of the houses or  the Aswang cannot rejoin with her half body if it is peppered with ashes          (Quezon City).
    • A pregnant woman ties a belt with the so called "habak", a kind of oil kept in a bottle, to drive evil spirits or the balbal or sigbin (Cagayan de oro City)
    • An aswang is afraid of a piece of wood (Davao City)
    • Pregnant women should draw sign of crosses on their tummies as protection against vampires or aswang ( Cagayan).
    • Aswang transforms their shapes, usually rich, beautiful and intelligent when they appear to you as normal person, but when they are in their natural habitat, they revert to their ugly, frightening selves (Davao City).
    • Aswang cannot look directly at you in the eyes (Davao City).
    • Aswang have deadly pets like black cat whose eyes glow in the dark, werewolf, a big pig, and a small black bird call that sounds "kek-kek-kek-kek" or "wak-wak-wak-wak".
    • They can smell pregnant women from afar (Cagayan).
    • They can hear things spoken about from the distance (Romblon).
    • The figure in the pupil of the eyes of the aswang are inverted (Zamboanga).
    • Other names of aswang are ungo, abat, manananggal, hamok and wakwak (Cagayan). 
    • When an aswang bite you, you become an aswang too.
    • When you married to an aswang, you become one of them and when you resist becoming one of them, you will be seriously sick and you may die (Davao).
    • Anybody can  become an aswang by acquiring the power from somebody else.
                Those characteristics of Philippine aswang that varies greatly  from region to region to person to person. This aswang also called a eater of the dead. 

               Now, let us explore the superstitious belief of the other country and do analyse the similarities and the differences." Aswang" in the Philippines but globally known as "Vampire". In Europe, a vampire corpse that rises from the grave and sucks blood from the living similar to the aswang also who suck bloods and leave the victim until the moment that they will become one of them. Both country believe that vampires are demons or evil spirits, a persons whose beliefs are contrary to church doctrine. Their body does not decay but instead, they remains active as long as it can obtain blood for a long period of time. Legends of bloodsucking creatures are found in many cultures throughout history. The vampires, along with the others mythical creatures, are also popular literary subject with numerous descriptions of the origin, nature, power, of vampires.

      • Origin: Australia
      • Name: Pink Vampire
      • A species of vampires which lives in the modern age. It has cold skin and fangs and when angered their eyes go a very bloodshot red color. It can go out into normal daylight.
      • Origin: Borneo
      •  Name: Buo
      • Becomes  a vampire by being a warrior slain in the battle.
      • Origin: Brazil
      • Name: Lobishomen
      • This vampire is small in stature, stumpy and hunch-backed, resembling a monkey, but with a yellow face, bloodless lips, black teeth, bushy beard and plush-covered feet. It makes it's victims nymphomaniacs. Kill it by letting it get drunk on blood in order to catch it more easily, then crucify it on a tree while stabbing it.
      • Origin: Bulgaria
      • Name: Krvopijac
      • The physical appearance varies but it most commonly known to have only one nostril. Becomes a vampire by drinking wine. Prevent the corpse by becoming a vampire by chaining it to the coffin with a garland of wild roses.
      • Origin: China
      • Name: Ch'ing Shih
      • This vampire has red staring eyes, pointed nails curved like claws and long hair. They are greenish-white in color, and it can fly very fast by being given strength from the moon light. When burnt it emits a piercing shriek.
      • Origin:  Philippines
      • Name: Manananggal
      • Takes the form of an older, very beautiful woman. Every night she seperates her torso from her lower body and leaving her lower body behind, flies off on big-like wings looking for her next prey, which is usually pregnant.
      • Origin: Russia
      • Name: Mjertovjec
      • Becomes a vampire by being a son of a werewolf or witch. To kill this type of vampire you will need to nail the body to the coffin or burn the body.
               As listed above. It was presented that like us Filipino people, they have also rich in mythical creatures that seems to be amazing. As they say, "Different folks, Different strokes".

Based on the information above. Here in the Philippines they decided to choose manananggal. Because same as the other country  it has also wide classifications of vampires and they had just picked the common one. Here we particularly called it aswang where in, it has kinds and the popular one was the mananaggal.

               I  want to share one of my favorites. As an anime fanatic, mostly, I have watched anime's created by Japanese people. Since we have tackled about vampires. In anime characters usually the antagonist looks like a monster and an evil possesses horrible power as well as horrible faces. Likewise, there was also vampire who played as the protagonist in the animated series entitled "The Vampire Knight". He possesses power with good characteristics. He was also a vampire who cannot live longer without drinking blood but instead of a human blood, he prefers to drink animal blood. This animated series was as the same as the popular movie of this generation, "Twilight".

Sunday, November 13, 2011

"A Review About Afro-Asian Literature"

       You are  walking along the gallery. At the side of the wall there appears a work of arts, while you are staring at the painting. You do observe and evaluate it. In fixedly looking at the picture, you see the mixture of a pigment and a liquid that forms a thin adherent coating when spread on a surface. Doing to figure out what the artist accomplished signify.
        Just like what the writer do or a musician, in every single bright ideas he made. Once you understand clearly what a writer or a musician  express, you can make judgments about his or her concept and the way he or she presents those ideas. As a reader, you just not comprehend literally, instead, you will go deeper. Putting oneself in a certain story will help you define the authors purpose and experience.
      You already read different kinds of stories, fables, parables, proverbs, folktale, legend, poem and so forth. In short we already encountered literature. By the way, "What is really a literature"?. Literature derived from the latin words "litteratus" (learned) and littera (a letter of the alphabet). According to Brother Azurin, Literature expresses the feelings of the people to society, to the government, to his surroundings, his fellowmen, and to his Divine Creator.
      Through literature you understand, you find yourself responding strongly to certain points. People maybe have differences, a unique individual but created as one. It represents the mode of being a whole nation and a whole age that a writer rallies around him.
        The writer write literature to keep cultural stream flowing from pole to pole, from age to age. to represent the countries, the cultures, the very lifestyle of the people. In literature, there is a chance to experience of how Asian and African brothers work, play worship, relate with their families, friends and other people, in short, how they live. Afro-Asian literature refers to the combined literary output of the various countries and cultures in Africa and Asia.
       In reading literature, simple enjoyment and appreciation and analysis and description are the aspects. Learning the ethos, ideas and  philosophies that aid understanding of human nature.
       Through Asian and African literature one will understand and appreciate the literary works of Asian and African authors. Everybody will gain insights on the parallelisms in Asian and African culture and histories and apply knowledge received in life.